
Showing posts from April 10, 2017


From GEOGRAPHY PRATICAL ANSWERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (1a) DRAW THE MAP SCALE: 1: 25,000 :::::::::::=======::::::::::====== KEEP REFRESHING THIS PAGE :::::::::::=======::::::::::====== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GEOGRAPHY PRATICAL ANSWERS FROM EXAMCROWN.COM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (1a) DRAW THE MAP SCALE: 1: 25,000 (1bi) The following are the influence of relief in the mapped area: -It has few social amenities -It is a feature of rural settlement -They are only involved in primary activities like farming,lumbering,fishing etc (1bii) Water transportation is the transportation system mostly used in the mapped area because it's a riverline area (1c) Dentritic pattern =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3a) Erosion is the process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents. While Mass movement is the movement of surface material caused by gravity. 3b) i)runing water ii)w


From Subscribe and get it earlier than its being posted here NOTE: Tita means θ ^ means Raise to power Pie means π / (means) division or divide 2 whole no 3/4 means 2¾ * means multiplication (×) Sqr root means √ Proportional means ∝ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PHYSICS OBJ 1-10BBCADAAABB 11-20BBDCBDC-CD 21-30ABCDCCCDAC 31-40ACCBCDA-BC 41-50A-DDAADBDC (1) PLS SKETCH. -decrease in height (h) -increase in time (t) -this shows that distance changes with time =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (2) given that U=15ms^-1 R=U* sqr2h/g h=20m g=10 R=15*sqr2*20/10 R=15*sqr40/10 R=15*sqr4 R=15*2=30m R=30m =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (3) (i)Brownian motion (ii)Atomic size (iii)Expansion =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (4) L1=14cm F1=4N,F2=6N L2=4cm, Lo=? Using hooke's law 4/14-Lo*6/4-Lo 4(4-Lo)=6(14-Lo) 16-4Lo=64-6Lo -4Lo 6Lo=64-16 2Lo=48 Lo=48/2 Lo