Reasons Why Students Fail JAMB
Here are 11 good reasons why students fail Jamb
1. Failure to follow the syllables
Jamb syllables have been a veritable tool in the
hand of students seeking admission into higher
institution. Research has shown that 90 percent of
those that excel in Jamb are those who study the
syllables comprehensively.
We strongly recommend all candidates to have a
take a look at the syllabus for every subject they
registered. Pay attention to the subjects you’re
anticipated to master and let it guide your studies.
This way, you’ll spend no time reading things which
are irrelevant to the examination.
Many students have recorded successesin their
UME exams because of the adamant study of the
2. Laisez-faire attitude towards
The syllables has been a helpful tool, but many
students have dispute the facts that the brochure is
another veritable tool for which students can use to
scale through the hurdles of jamb. Studnets
preparing for UME have neglected the study of the
brochure. Some register to study a course blindly
which may not be offered by their choice university.

Candidates are advised to study the brochure
carefully before filling the jamb online registration
slip. This will also be a guide on a way to fill the
Jamb utility form, help you in making perfect
preference of the courses you are intellectually
3. Poor study habits
The word student only comes from the word study.
You may follow the brochure and strictly adhere to
the registration processes of Jamb, but the truth
remains that academic excellent solely depend on
veheminent study of your texts books and other
recommended books in the syllables.
The ultimate thing to do while preparing for UME
exams is to study. A good number of student give
the excuse of being so busy, hitherto they can’t
study. No matter the tight schedule of a candidate, it
is adviceable for a candidate to create time for
effective studies. It will also be advantageous for a
candidiate to enroll in extra-moral classes.
4. Failure to register JAMB in
Time waits for no man- is a popular adage. Tick
says the clock tick tick is another adage. The fact
that Jamb offers enough time for its registration is
not a ground for candidates to register late for the
exams. Procrastinating to register on time has
caused a whole lot of failure in JAMB UME
Here is how late registration affects candites:
Candidates are given unconducive/unequipped
Some are slated for rural areas for the exams and
guess what!
These can cause candidtes to fail.
5. Lack of Speed:
Candidates who apply speed speed in the exams do
emerge successfully. JAMB UME examination is not
an exams for babies, but for matured minds whob
are ready to face the other world of the university.
The examiners give a very limited time of about 40
minuites. However, this time waits for no ,man as it
ticks every seconds.
Don’t forget this:
You can’t pause the time to do one thing or the
order, like having a convenient or answering to the
attendance. The time goes very fast and stops
automatically for everyone. Whether you came to
the exams venue late.
Did you know that intelligent students still fail
Yes! Not because they are not intelligent, but
because they do not apply speed.
6. Failure to arrive at the exams
venue early
Tears droped from her eyes, I could remember
vividly she was a girl, tall and she spoke
intelligently. All her tears was in vain, all her pleas
was wasted as the invigilator was so tenacious in
his decision. Futher findings revealed that she was
the best in her secondary school who made history
by recording 9A’s in the west African Senior School
Certificate Examination (WASSCE ), but on that
faithful day she was late to her UME exams. That
was how she failed JAMB.
It is so obvious that many candidates are seen
doing some print out on their exams day and this
warrant their lateness to exams.


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