1.Discuss the theme of death in othello

Death is a part of every Shakespearean tragedy, and
''Othello'' is no exception.

Let the Bodies Hit the Floor The song

 ''Let the Bodies Hit the Floor'' by Drowning Pool
 would be a fitting soundtrack for the last act of
Shakespeare's Othello, or really for any of Shakespeare's
tragedies--they all end with a pile of dead bodies. Instead of
 hitting the floor, though, most of the bodies in Othello end
 up on a bed, and all are the result of the actions of one man: Iago. Iago is Othello's ensign. Everyone thinks him an honest and helpful friend, but really he's a nasty spider
weaving a web of death and destruction. Regarding the bed
full of dead bodies, Lodovico says to Iago at the end, ''look
on the tragic loading of this bed: this is thy work.''
Shakespeare uses the senseless deaths in Othello to drive
home its tragic elements.

Desdemona Dies

Desdemona's death is tragic not just because she dies, but
because it is her husband, Othello, who kills her. He loves her
dearly, but he's been an idiot and has allowed Iago to
convince him not only that Desdemona has cheated on him,
but that killing her is the only sensible thing to do now. ''I
will kill thee and love thee after,'' he decides. The dramatic irony (which is when the audience knows what is going on but the characters don't) is pretty thick at this point. We are
all shouting in our heads at Othello, ''Don't do it! You've
been fooled!'' But he goes and does it anyway, smothering
Desdemona with a pillow in her bed. Reviving herself (as dead people sometimes do in
Shakespeare) Desdemona finds strength to say to Emilia, ''A
guiltless death I die.'' Guiltless she is, and tragic, too.
Desdemona is innocence personified, and by killing her
character, Shakespeare makes a cynical commentary about
how innocence cannot survive in the fallen world.

Emilia Dies

 Emilia's death is tragic on a different level. She is not all
pure innocence (she may or may not have slept with Othello
in order to get her husband a promotion) but she is strong
and she speaks out for what is right in a world where
women were not allowed to be or do those things. When
she discovers it was Desdemona's handkerchief which served as the primary evidence in convincing Othello of his wife's
alleged affair, she knows her husband Iago is at the bottom
of it. ''Be wise and get you home,'' Iago warns her, but she
answers defiantly, ''I will not.'' Emilia speaks the truth,
though it costs her life. She tells all assembled that Iago
begged her to steal Desdemona's handkerchief for him, and
she reveals that he has intentionally framed Desdemona and
manipulated Othello. For this, Iago stabs her with his sword, killing her. ''Lay me by my mistress' side,'' Emilia asks with
her last breath, and thus she becomes another body to lie in
the bed's ''tragic loading.''

Roderigo Dies

 As the play wears on, one may be torn between being
irritated by Roderigo and feeling sorry for him. Iago has
been manipulating him from the very start of the play.
Roderigo is in love with Desdemona. Iago has been giving
Roderigo 'advice' about how to woo her despite her
marriage to Othello. Suspiciously, much of this advice requires Roderigo to give Iago large sums of money and
jewels. We watch as Iago perpetually makes a fool of
Roderigo, finally inducing him to face Cassio in a battle that
becomes his undoing. ''Now, whether he kill Cassio,'' Iago says slyly, ''Or Cassio him,
or each do kill the other, every way makes my gain.'' Iago
doesn't care who kills whom, because either or both would
be good for him! When each is wounded but neither killed,
however, that isn't good for him. So Iago murders Roderigo
and blames Cassio for it. Poor Roderigo, used by Iago in life and finally betrayed by him in death. Roderigo has the
proverbial last laugh, however, as letters found in his
pockets after his death serve as further proof of Iago's
.👀: 3)
Ajumobi was a brave and powerful hunter who enjoyed boasting
of his prowess as a successful hunter.
In his lifetime, he was firm and had absolute control of his household.
Ajumobi was a happy and lively man.
Like most men in Kufi, he liked
drinking palmwine in the company of
friends. He was quite ambitious. Prior
to his death, he planned to renovate his house and even take a second
wife. Yaremi loved her husband
greatly and in spite of their many
squabbles in his lifetime, she missed
his affection and companionship.
👀: Q6
The use of irony in the text is called situational irony. Bigger has always regarded every white person as his mortal enemy and as fake will have it,a white friend is brought his way. To him, Every  white person is a symbol of oppression. On the contrary. Many Dalton is friend to bigger but bigger is ready to exhibit his disdain for white folks as the same feelings is felt towards Jan too. On the other hand, many and jam (the two I white lovers ) shows him love and friendliness which makes him ashamed of himself. Both lovers are closing so at the rock of disapproval from their own folks. The two parties are actually operating in total ignorance of the other hand situation , a condition brought about by years of unhealthy extreme opinion of the other .
 It is ironical that jam,whom bigger tried blame his murder of Mary on, would later take step to free the  some bigger of culpability in the crime. He is the one who brings max to Bigger to act as his counsel during his arraignment.
 Another ironic situation is noticed with the respect of bigger is freedom. While restricted to a cell in prison , he feels free where as outside he feel....👀: ===================================
 In Kufi, wives were accused of killing their husbands because of the belief that someone had to be responsible for every death. They also suspected feathered creatures like birds as they were usually linked to witchcraft


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